The high halos fuse together, and some of them break away to form a golden ball about the size of her head-landing in front of her, still suspended in the water, as if trying to figure out her, and at the same time emitting a feeling similar to sun and warmth. However, she is not afraid, she is not afraid, and the area has created her, and she must be waiting for her arrival.

The ghost bird reached out to pick the golden ball from it and held it in its hand, feeling warm and soft.
The bright golden green light overflowed from the ball and shot into her heart, which made her feel cold and calm. Although the area was watching her, there was a strong light from that calm, which revealed everything to her.
In her deep consciousness, I don’t know whether she saw or felt a comet falling far away from the earth, which caused a disaster and destroyed the whole biosphere. A customized organism disintegrated and disintegrated. Small fragments passed through the dark transition and occasionally flashed light after a long and dangerous journey, and finally dissipated and lost-quietly buried in the glass lens group of the lighthouse, and once it was excited to get out of dormancy, it would grow again and perform the preset powerful functions as much as possible. However, the environment has changed, and the problem is to create areas and give them. The target race has disappeared. The area is both a machine and a creature. She saw the boundary membrane of the area, the white rabbit jumping into the boundary and disappearing, and then coming out from other places. She also saw the underwater behemoths and ghosts watching from a distance. All this was experienced through the sense of taste and smell, which she was not too white.
Crawler continued to write as if she didn’t send out brighter and richer light in the text, but she had never seen it before, as if there were so many worlds hidden in it, so much light that she could see that every word was infiltrated from another world, and there were passages and entrances here for you to know, such as making coordinates, which is now in practice in a very far place. Biologists make the same coordinates, and every sentence is emotional therapy, which refuses cruel reconstruction.
Should she stop now? Should she plead with people in her mind? These are people that biologists know. She has never seen what happens next. Will it destroy the earth or save it? Because it agrees with the ghost bird, she believes that something will be lucky and she will be lucky.
What can she do? She can’t do anything, and she doesn’t have the will. It’s also a choice not to choose. She puts the ball in the water and makes it suspend.
She felt Grace on the stairs behind them, and she felt Grace’s intention to hurt, but she didn’t care that it wasn’t Grace’s fault. Grace couldn’t understand everything she saw-including the lighthouse and the island. She used to live.
Grace shot the ghost bird from behind, and the bullet went through her chest and embedded in the wall. The halo of the crawler turned even crazier. The ghost bird turned around and gathered the strength of the light sensor and shouted at her. Because she was not hurt, she didn’t feel anything, and she didn’t want Grace to be hurt.
Grace froze in the faint light, holding a rifle. At this moment, it can be seen from her eyes that she is white. It is all in vain. There is no turning back, and it is impossible to turn back.
"Go home, Grace," said the ghost bird. Grace disappeared on the stairs as if she had never appeared.
Then the ghost bird realized that the main manager was gone, but it was too late. He either walked back to the surface or sneaked down the stairs to look for the dazzling white light deep underground.
23 director
You study the familiar object again, or you think you are familiar with it. The lighthouse science seance makes you feel excited because of the scientific seance. Jack Severance has to go through every document carefully for three or four times. You force yourself to review the lighthouse history again.
Occasionally, you will see Henry’s face approaching from a distant place like a pale circle until you can list every disgusting detail. You don’t know what he means. You know you can’t ignore Henry easily, just like an unopened letter. Although everyone is sure that it is mediocre, it still makes you fidget.
Your aversion to them makes you as absent-minded as a child. You don’t want to imprint them on your memory, you don’t want to grasp all the details, but you want to drive them away, delete them and make them disappear. You know this annoyance is causing Saul a lot of anxiety, but what makes Saul feel this way?
There is no Henry, no Susan and no one on the list of scientific seances. It seems that the two of them can’t even find a trace of their photos. In the early investigation, all the members assigned to the forgotten coast were recorded, including their names and addresses, and the answers were the same after careful interviews with them. Scientific seances are conducting daily research work-science and supernatural combination. Before the first exploration team stumbled into the corridor leading to the area, everyone who knew something was trapped in the area and disappeared long ago.
What’s more troublesome is that Jack Severance and Jackie Severance have disappeared. The latter no longer appears in person, as if something new has attracted her attention or knows that you want to question her. With every word, she seems to gradually disappear into the depths of the curtain of the headquarters, so you redouble your efforts to find her influence in the file, but if Lori is the ghost that haunts you, Severance is smarter. The ghost never appears.
Once again, you watch the first video of the exploration team to study the lighthouse, including the background and out-of-focus objects passing through the exploration team from intermittent time axis to the final photos. You once again examine the evolution process or degradation process of the lighthouse
Until one day grace dragged you aside and said, "That’s enough. You need to manage this institution, and others can see the documents."
"What others? Who do you think the others are? " You yelled at her, but the horse regretted it.
But there is no "others" and you are running out of time. You must remember that the whole Nanjingju is like a big scam. If you forget this, you are no longer the solution but the problem.
"Maybe you need a vacation." Grace said to you, "Maybe you need a different angle."
"You can’t do my job."
"I don’t want your fucking job." She’s holding back her anger and she’s about to explode. You kind of want to see her explode. You want to see what it’s like for Grace to be completely out of control, but if you force her to this point, you’ll lose her, too
Later, you take a bottle of bourbon to the roof. Grace is already sitting in a lounge chair. The South Border Bureau building is like a huge and bulky ship. You can’t turn the steering wheel without knowing where the ship is going.
"Most of the time I have a mouth," you said to her. "Just remember that I am a heart."
She disdained, but let go of her arms and frowned. "This place is a fucking madhouse." Grace seldom swears except on the roof.
"Crazy Worker" Cheney is confused because of the lack of valid data. You retell his painful monologue just now. "Even a fallen oak tree can tell us where it came from. Newton will definitely say so, don’t you think? It must have a trajectory, and then you can go back to even the theory and find that this oak has at least a rough range in the position of the tree. "His expression is so obscure that you dare not say that you can understand more than one third.
"Crazy workers and crazy white milk" Grace said that she was referring to those fixed white tents in the border command center of the South Border Bureau.
"Crazy white milkman", you shook a finger and said seriously, "But not as crazy as Hydrological Group"
After Cheney’s complaint, you read a report of the Hydrological Group, which is responsible for studying line waves and looking for extraterrestrial life signals. The headquarters has repeatedly suggested that you "cooperate" with them. They listen to the information from the stars-there are two narrow microwave bands, which are natural line waves that will not cover these two frequencies, corresponding to the wavelengths of hydrogen and hydroxide respectively, so they are called water holes, which is like taking a chance and expecting other intelligent races to automatically tend to make this so-called "water hole".
"They were looking for something and slipped in through the back door—"
"Create a back door and go through it-"
"You look up and someone walks past you and steals your wallet," Grace giggled.
"Hydrology is not; They like to go through the back door. "Thank you." You deliberately said with a strong voice and handed the bordeaux. "You can’t just hit the shower head and shower the water slide."
You don’t know what you’re talking about, but Grace burst into laughter, and then Grace returned to normal. You can think again for a while. Henry and Susan think about talking dummies, think about dead atmosphere or think about fatal twins.
But in the same week, Grace saw you throw the folder at the opposite wall, and you had no excuse but to shrug your shoulders, saying that it was a series of bad days to see the doctor, the exploration preparation and the research work.
So you have to take some measures.
One month before the 12th exploration, you flew to Lori base, although it was your own idea, but you didn’t want to go on a business trip. Originally, you hoped to attract Lori to come to Nanjingju for the last time. Everything around you-your office, the conversation in the corridor, the roof view of the building-showed a striking luster and clarity because you knew that you would not live long.
Before exploring, Lori is finally going to choose one of his technologies that is less invasive and send it to the headquarters. According to Severance, he likes to be a mentor and can help the exploration team. She assures you that biologists are subject to "minimal interference". The alienation of biologists is the only feature you want to upgrade. You want her heart to be as harmonious as possible. From all the reports, you feel that she may not need you to push the project history in this direction. No one has ever given up her name as willingly as she has.
Mild hypnotic suggestion is mainly for regional growth rather than "added value" as Lori said. He said that finding an adjustment method can make the hypnotized object want to perform the suggested action to a certain extent-"a kind of deception and stealing". You have read that there are four stages to identify the intensive deployment of indoctrination, but Grace has seen the expression of "manifestation infection and suppression of possession" in other documents by supernatural concepts.
Lori’s attention is mostly focused on linguists. This volunteer holds a radical view on the value of free will. You don’t know whether Lori wants to see more resistance or less resistance. Do you silently endure his situation briefing, his progress report and his taunting inquiry? He asks if you are willing to consider hypnosis, but the implication is that even if you try to stop it, there is no such thing.
Honestly, you don’t care about his briefing.
Once you said that Lori went out for a walk-it was near the fake lighthouse. It was early summer and the weather was mild. There was no need to sit in the lounge of Lori’s command center. You pandered to his conceit and persuaded him to show you around. You brought a thin folder.
So he show you a little tour of his declining mini-magical world. There are hidden speakers on the ground, and strange music is playing far away and happily-not pop music, jazz music or classical music, but something more lively and disturbing.
At the top of that weird little lighthouse-what would Saul think? He pointed out that the day marker is very accurate and that "people will add it after the broken glass". He pulled the trap door at the top of the tower. There were piles of white notes and scattered white paper in the bottom room, as if he had bought a stationery store. The sideline lens group was also a lawyer, but it seemed to be an apology. He gave you a history lesson. "Once upon a time, a long time ago, they just put a fat bird in a pole and lit it as a signal light."
The "damn hole" in Lori’s mouth is the most inaccurate part-originally a turret gun has been removed, leaving a circle of black granite walking along the ladder. There is a tunnel leading to the mountain behind you. Most of Lori’s facilities are in the mountain. You walked a short distance, but it is enough to see that the wet wall is hung with Lori’s art collection, and the Jiao Da-sized photos are blurred. The fake tunnel brought back by various exploration teams seems to make you see the real tunnel shadow, which clearly shows something incomprehensible. When you think of Saul turning around on the steps of the real tunnel, you have a strong feeling for Lori.
You praise all this only by Nuo Nuo, and then suggest that you continue to walk along the shore and enjoy the "nature and fresh air". Lori agrees. The trick is that every time you see something new, something goes wrong, because he can’t help showing off his cleverness. You walk north along the seaside path and nest in the nearby rocks. The wild goose looks at you with disgust. There is an otter following you in the sea a little distance.
Finally, you turn to the topic of scientific seance. You take out a piece of paper-"Jack Severance" has a document. You point out to him that the line is marked with bright pink. You say that Lori must know this strange thing, too, because he can tell your childhood secrets when you first joined Nanjingju.
"is that why you and Jackie got along?" You asked, "Because the scientific seance is connected with the headquarters-through Jack?"
Lori pondered a little, shaved his face and smiled smugly. He smiled smugly, looked down at the ground and then looked at you again.
"We just ran out of it? That’s why? I can tell you this in my fucking words. "
"I guess you won’t say much," you said. "But I want to know" before crossing the border.
He gave you a sidelong glance after a moment’s hesitation, wondering whether you still have hidden motives or whether he couldn’t guess the follow-up action.
You tentatively asked "the second line project? Is the scientific seance a sub-line project of the headquarters or …? "
"Of course, why not?" Lori said easily. "It’s just that there’s no harm in having attachments available at any time."
But sometimes appendages will affect the subject, and biologists may say that sometimes host parasites will confuse roles.
"That’s how you got my photo by the lighthouse." This is not a question.