He thinks his head will really explode if he looks at it again!

I’m a professor of botany. Botany is a great power!
What have I been studying in the past few decades? What’s the meaning of my life?
Fortunately, Zhao Min is also tired at this time. An Danyue let everyone have a rest.
Professor Nong dropped his faucet and sat down to the ground.
Although it is said quickly, it actually took a full hour and a half for this round of plant growth.
But everyone was addicted to Zhao Min’s performance like natural magic. Many people didn’t realize that they had watched the live broadcast for two hours!
"What a beautiful ceiling!"
"So the ceiling should not be placed in museums and exhibition halls? In the underground parking lot? This is too waves! "
"I must go and see for myself tomorrow!"
In fact, people don’t know that Zhuang is not far away and others want to jack up the settlement gymnasium, which is also a unique ceiling.
When Deng Yali saw Zhao Min stop, he immediately called an engineer to come over and "test one quickly!"
The engineer took out a laser instrument and measured a display value of "5".
"How … how …" Deng Yali one leng is still sinking 5 cm!
"Don’t worry," Zhao Min smiled. "That was the preparatory work just now."
People watching the live broadcast are more curious. This is the preparation? What the hell are they doing?
It always feels like something extraordinary!
Zhao Min rested for more than ten minutes and got up again.
What will happen next? The eyes of many people watching the live broadcast are about to pop out. Is something more mysterious going to happen?
Just then, the live camera suddenly flashed, and then the camera appeared not far from Zhuang’s face
"No wonder I just felt strange!" Not far from Zhuang, he shouted, "There are traitors among us!"
Wow, a group of people gathered around.
"Don’t don’t hit me, I’m not a traitor! I am the anchor who often eats tomatoes! " The anchor hurriedly argued, "I … I came here because I was curious. I didn’t mean any harm. I swear I will never tell anyone what happened today!"
"swear!" Watch the live broadcast and brush the barrage together.
Not far from Zhuang, he rolled his eyes and believed that you were the ghosts!
Believe that internet people will keep it a secret? I might as well believe that manor owners are vegetarians!
"Sorry, everything that happened is confidential. After everyone wants to see it, let them see it in the parking lot. Sorry, it’s live!" Zhuang covered the camera not far away and seemed to be groping for how to broadcast live.
The live broadcast suddenly went dark and everyone heard the sound.
"Well, there is not much time. Let’s continue!"
"All the lights are on!"
"The second set of searchlights shines in the middle!"
"Dry ice? Used to supplement carbon dioxide! "
There was a flash in front of the camera, and everyone saw that the last shot was a refrigerated truck hitting large chunks of dry ice, which was unloaded from the car and covered with thin smoke. Then it was torn to pieces by the blowers around the parking lot. In the middle of the parking lot, six beams of light were directed at the ceiling, just like a halo with a cloud storm god.
Big Druid Zhao Min!
Direct broadcast interruption
"It’s hateful for me to go to the manor!"
"I actually forced the live broadcast!"
"I can’t help it. I’m going to see for myself if there is a team?"
"Let’s go together!"
In the virtual city, I almost couldn’t help but rush out of the door.
The anchor in the underground parking lot is a little blind to him at the moment to see what he wants to find to protect himself, and then he drags Professor Nong and Zhao Jikun over. "They also broke in to kill and scrape together!"
Professor Nong and Zhao Jikun "…"
You are a good comrade. I didn’t expect to betray my revolutionary comrades!
"Huh?" Not far from Zhuang, I recognized the two men. I didn’t expect the mentoring to come.
He has a headache and nai.
Today, the results of everyone’s first physical action in the manor were published on the internet again, and I don’t know what will happen next.
Forget it, don’t think so much.
"Agricultural professor zhao4 ge you still go home …"
If the big professor is dizzy again, he can’t take responsibility.
Professor Zhuang rushed out without saying a word.
He hugged Zhao Min’s thigh and cried, "Brother Zhao, please tell me exactly how you did it. I want to be your student. No, no,no. I want to be your lackey!"
Professor Nong’s pride and reserve finally collapsed with his worldview.
Zhao Min nai looked at Zhuang and shook his head for a while. "I’m afraid I can’t be a stooge. I don’t remember the manor having a pet card."